112. Demanding the wrong thing

why you aren’t getting that job promotion.

It’s easier to ask than to do. Easier to think than act. Easier to procrastinate than work.

Our chief desires are to get more freedom and independence.

A promotion is an avenue to that.

Empty demands never led to success though.

Three words to spark a mentality shift:


  1. Be the person you want- Embody this new identity even before you have reached there.

  2. Do the work- When you are a runner, you run. When you take on the identity of something new you have to do new things.

  3. Have the results- Consistently identifying who you want to be and acting in accordance with that leads to inevitable success.

Remember you aren’t entitled to anything.

Create value. Demand responsibility. Don’t abdicate. Repeat.


Russian dolls and heretical questions


111. Why you need to read the 1-page marketing plan