15. Earning $40+ in my first month on Vocal Media

Being relatively new to my blogging journey I didn’t know what to expect, however, what I did know was to be successful I couldn’t rely on any algorithms and I couldn’t put all my eggs in one basket.

Doing some research I wanted to do at least 3 outlets of writing, beyond that it would become too much work. So I started out writing on my own blog, then Medium, followed by Vocal Media- I’ve come to appreciate all the different quirks and charms with each.

Vocal Media is interesting as it is a relatively new platform compared to many others and you honestly won’t make money by getting views (or it will be a very small chunk), in one month I only received around $1. The exciting thing, however, is the rewards the platform gives you.

I believe that only writing on one platform is heavily hindering your chances of a hitting success, simply due to the complexity of these algorithms. So I, in my high IQ ways, simply reposted all my articles. Some of the stories that did well on Vocal Media did terrible on Medium, and the same could be said the other way.

I personally write and publish stories every day and I got 3 top stories in the space of 5 days equating to $15 of revenue.

To me, this is quite a success.

You may be wondering what a top story is, and to be frank with you I don’t really know myself. However, Vocal Media goes through a proofreading stage when you submit your posts. I believe it is this team that can decide whether work can get additional views/ become a top story. This is great as that means that with consistency, quality work will be rewarded. Whereas I’ve found Medium can sometimes be hit and miss unless I want to rely on publications and spend a while networking with other writers.

I also got rewarded for my 5th and 10th article- $5 and $10. I think this is brilliant as encourages the thing which matters- writing, instead of stupid stats.

Upon my 20th daily upload, I got gifted a 3-month premium membership to Vocal Media by the platform itself for free. This in turn rewarded me an additional $10.

I don’t know if this is the norm, or whether the platform just really likes my content. But I’m definitely going to continue posting there.

Another bonus I found is that unlike other platforms like Medium, it takes hardly any work or maintenance. I upload a post and forget about it. I haven’t read any of other people's work, I haven’t had to comment or try and amass a following- I’ve simply posted consistently.

To some, it might be negative that the website seems less community focussed. The website doesn’t have that much charm, finding and reading the content you like is quite hard and they have a unique way of tagging and posting content. But for someone who just wants to publish content and doesn’t care about the faff of other things you can’t beat it.

All my stories aren’t originals nor are they optimised to the site. I literally reposted them from Medium or my own blog and that’s the way I’ll continue to work. Writing and content creation these days is often too hellbent on trying to serve the will of the corporations who own the platforms. At the end of the day, I just want to write and get better at writing.

So a month in and Vocal Media has been a great little tool and encouragement whilst requiring little to no work. If you don’t write on it yet, I highly recommend you do.


16. Leave something good when you’re gone


14. The motivation myth