52. Idolising Pain

It’s an easy rabbit hole to fall down.

Black or White. Good or Bad. Comfort or Pain.

It’s easy to look to extremes and think those are the only places we can reside.

When it comes to progression and moving forward having a cosy lifestyle is often the barrier to you trying new things and developing as a person.

Pain and suffering can therefore be seen as the alternatives and indicators of you pushing yourself.

Yet, these aren’t long-term solutions.

Hardship is to be learned from for you then to take lessons into the times of ease.

Tough times strengthen you to make a difference in easy environments.

Suffering brings gratitude for the time when you do have an abundance.

The learnings you take are pointless if you endlessly live in this cycle of pain.

We are often put in particular moments and situations for a reason and however painful or easy they are they should be appreciated.

Pain, although necessary for refinement and focus, shouldn’t be idolised- nor should a plentiful life.

All we are guaranteed in life is our present time so we should use it the best we can.

Passion is unbalanced and often comes back to bite us.

Black and white, good and bad, comfort and pain- they all serve their purpose. Neither is right nor wrong. They shouldn’t be idolised.


53. Accepting love


51. My favourite books of 2021