54. Menial jobs
We all hate them but we all have to do them at some point
We have tasks, jobs, and situations in life that are just plain boring. They often have little to no purpose, are very simple and we can find ourselves wondering why we are doing them.
That annoying job provides money for rent. That frustrating person has lots of contacts. That boring task is essential for progression.
However small a job it serves a purpose- even if that is unaware to you at present.
The response is not to not get annoyed at the situation but rather utilise it as fuel for change.
If you want different circumstances make it happen.
Gain skills, start that side hustle, search for a new job.
But never complain.
You know yourself inside and out but when you step your foot off the pedal and become entitled that can be all people know you for.
Being stuck in jobs ‘too small’ for us can actually be a good thing.
They curate patience, give you a perspective, and often point you towards the things you really want to do.
Effort and gratitude have to be put in.
How you do one thing is how you do everything.
Consistency in hard work pays dividends and one day the menial jobs won’t be as so all-consuming.
With more trust and responsibility comes the ability to delegate the ‘boring jobs’.
It’s a tough system but any other way simply wouldn’t work. You need the barrier of entry to more high-end roles to be tough (and often monotonous) so you can weed out who really wants it and who doesn’t.
People who really want things in life will make it happen even it is at the temporary sacrifice of their happiness.
The word temporary is essential here.
If you are stuck somewhere doing something you hate for progression into something you don’t care about or with no future prospects you need to evaluate your options.
However, in the words of Seth Godin, "Never quit something with great long-term potential just because you can’t deal with the stress of the moment.”- See the light at the end of the tunnel and put your head down.
When you have a reason why you are doing what you are doing the menial job doesn’t seem pointless after all.