62. Depth of presence

Time isn’t the most valuable asset.

What do businesses, spouses, and a messy room have in common?

They all demand your attention.

Gone are the days when we could focus easily.

We have become used to our dopamine receptors being fried that anything relatively boring is near impossible for most people.

You will find it rare to be in conversation with someone with complete attention on you.

It’s not all doom and gloom though.

For those not reaching for your device every other minute- people will notice.

Consequently, your ability to converse with the person in front of you, go deeper into topics, and have more individual thought will be leaps and bounds ahead of those whose attention is elsewhere as these skills require attention.

Like a muscle; soft skills like creativity, collaboration and leadership are in more demand than ever. People simply don’t instinctively think to use them anymore.

The double-edged sword of more opportunities combined with more distractions.

Use your attention well.


63. The value equation


61. The slow hunch