6. Joy taken
We are all finite flawed human beings.
But within all of us have a light, a beautiful individuality, a gift to share with the world.
The crippling sadness is that our innate joy is sapped from us.
Happiness - Expectation = Reality.
And within the confines of society's ‘normal’ we are increasing our expectations, comparisons, and screen time.
Body images, relationships, religion, race… we all have these preset unrealistic versions of our lives.
When trying to bring change the dialogue is often removed and we are left with polarised groups of people.
And we complain about why we are so lonely.
Individual opinion isn’t valid anymore.
Mob mentality rules.
The solution isn’t simple but it can start with you; ask friends how they are. How they actually are. Begin conversations free of judgment and
preconceived notions.
Create community, restore the joy, venture onwards.