74. There’s no such thing as ‘writer’s block’

instead, there is fear of failure.

You know what you have to work on, but it’s not ‘good enough’.

You have an idea, but others might not like it.

You think it’s good, but everyone else will hate it.

The solution isn’t to wait for some fairy to magically make you better and then you begin working.

Like all things, you get better with practice and feedback.

So you must start before you feel like you’re ‘ready’.

“The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing”- Seth Godin

Simply commit to putting out the work and three things will happen:

1) You’ll expose your intentions

2) You’ll realise imperfection isn’t fatal

3) You’ll get better

The reality is that it doesn’t get any easier rather you understand that the muse is created.

You practically do this by picking up the pen and writing, by getting your brush and painting, by putting on your trainers and getting out the door.

When failure is not to be feared you have complete freedom- that is where the magic begins.


75. Go for first


73. Voluntary suffering