96. The past isn’t in the past

unless you want it to be.

You think you are too far gone.

You think you can’t do that.

You think you are unable to see that person.

In the words of Andy Warhol, “Perception precedes reality”.

Maybe, just maybe, your mind is playing tricks on you.

You don’t start that diet because you have never had anyone believe in you.

You don’t ask for that raise because your boss got mad at someone once.

You don’t meet up with that girl because you think she rejected someone else.

Your initial negative thoughts become the reality you live forever unless you change it. The perpetual internal dialogue never changes.

Steven Pressfield's wisdom with, “You have to start before you are ready” rings true here.

The mind is made to grow, change, and evolve, yet, stagnancy is the state people settle with.

The past remains the present and the future…

Unless you aspire to more and take action.

Recognising those prior experiences didn’t have one thing. The driven, hardworking, and determined you who is right here wanting to make a change.

It all starts with you changing your perception.

Start small and recognise the momentum you get. How you do one thing is how you do everything.

Ignore your brain for a second, stop the victimhood, and change your reality- you’ve got this.


97. Different pace


95. The unsatisfied soul