98. The early morning

is special.

Being in my 20’s I find myself often invited to events late at night, and am involved in groups of people who have never heard of waking up early.

When in conversations about routines I mention I like to wake up around 5 am, do some Bible time, get some creative writing done, and then work.

This may sound extreme, but I would argue it's as extreme as staying up till the early morning drinking.

The difference is that one is normalised and the other isn’t.

And here is the crux of the conversation.

Can you be comfortable going against the grain?

I know I cannot physically function by waking up early and staying up late. So here where I have to make a decision.

Something has to give.

One could argue there is great value in staying up and socialising- and I would agree.

However, the issue arises when it is purposeless.

You need to think about why you are watching Tik Toks at 2 am.

So for me, I like attacking the day early.

I feel in doing that I am at my best.

Rising before the competition.

Stress, anxiety and pressure subside and I feel at peace.

The quiet serenity of the morning is what I need.

But I need other things too.

So every so often I question am I just doing this to be like an edgy productivity guru, or does this have a purpose.

Waking up early is powerful.

But it’s pointless if you don’t have a reason behind it.

Maybe try to mix up your morning schedule and try something different, discover what works for you, and maybe wake up early.

As for me, I like the 5 am’s, and I’m sure you will too.

“The early morning has gold in its mouth”- Benjamin Franklin


99. Being busy is a form of laziness


97. Different pace