76. Loving work desires

I’ve been thinking about what is it to work distinctively, to participate differently, and to cooperate uncommonly.

I think we’ve been fed this lie that it can be achievable through the outlandish things; burning the midnight oil, shouting from the rooftops and striking it lucky. But I think it can be much simpler than that.

I’ve come to believe it’s the small & quiet considerations of the heart that truly matter.

When no one is looking; how do you act, what do you think about, who do you strive to be?

It is the difference between the selfish and the selfless. The ability to love so much that you commit yourself to your calling whether that be lived ours in wealth, fame, ‘success’ or complete condemnation.

The outcome cannot be the motivation.

‘And what is it to work with love? It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy, even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit’ - Khalil Gibran

Vincent Van Gogh, arguably my biggest creative inspiration often talked of his struggle and hardship from external factors, all this occurred but he never gave up.

Between 1889 and 1890 he was in a mental asylum, forgotten by the world, and scrutinised. Yet, he created 150 paintings- many we know now as world-famous.

Delving into his stance on being distinctive in loving through work I think it’s pretty clear that we see, through all odds, we need to take action.

“What would life be like if we had no courage to attempt anything”- Vincent Van Gogh

Comparing this to the ‘hustle culture’. You could argue that surely the two are aligned. Work hard + create lots. But the problem with this is, ‘what is the meaning?’.

Selfish ambition and the futile plight for wealth is meaningless. We can see this with anyone of great wealth, material success, or fame- they hate it.

Only through love and accepting a deeper calling will true satisfaction arise. Consequently, this will materialise in an ability to not be so controlled by external opinions and validation- you simply are content as you know what you are doing is right.

"I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that its not the answer" - Jim Carrey

The new mindset I have had is that I may never ‘succeed’ in this world but I am still enough in my striving.

External outcomes can be replaced by delving deep into my practice and loving thoughtfully through my work.

The real difference can be made in looking beyond just the simple desires we are told to accept. I now strive to simply turn up to my calling each day rather than the easy chase for money.

What are you going after?


77. The outcome


75. Go for first