The Success Equation

We’ve had it wrong for so long


You may look at the word ‘Success’ and wince a bit. I know I definitely do. But let’s look at it practically with this equation:

value x scale = success

You can be the most talented surgeon in the world (bringing a lot of value), however, what is your scale? You are probably interacting with a limited amount of people; a few operations a day, very draining, and hard work.

Don’t get me wrong; I believe high-value workers like people in healthcare are amazing and they’re arguably providing the peak of value within a work sphere, however, people aim to chase the value side of the equation too much then get upset over their lack of success.

Here’s where technology comes in. We are gifted to be a generation where we can have such an incredible reach and influence. Really delving deep into working out how we can utilise this digital age to scale our business means that we don’t necessarily need to provide lots of value (although the more the better) to be successful.

You may be thinking, 

“That’s all well and good but I’ve got nothing to offer”

Do you know what that mindset is, it’s your traditional academic mind speaking. We were all brought upon it in the education system. We want to believe that with more degrees and education we can provide more value. 

Let me burst your bubble, ‘being an expert is a myth’.

Maybe you’ll gain marginally more income in a traditional job scenario but with an increase in workplace unhappiness, we must recognise this mentality is wrong. If we want a different end result thinking innovatively is required. We need to combine doing something we are passionate about and is personal to us.

So look to your life and think, ‘what transformation has occurred’

Then specify how you can help someone. If you can answer this formula you can start a business:

I help [specific person] get [transformation] without [common obstacle] by [method]

Developing a brand that is orientated around being personal allows natural progression into digital products. Your [digital product] helps them execute the [method]. You are simply being a helping hand, providing value to enable them to overcome an obstacle. You’ll be passionate about the project as it's something you’ve been through, people will like your relational nature so you can curate a community, over the years you’ll gain more knowledge and with technology, you’ll naturally scale.

“I think I have an idea of who to help and what with but I don’t know where to start”


At the end of the day, ‘money follows attention’, it’s a sad reality but once known it can be utilised. Therefore, starting out you need to create this personal brand. This can be:

  • blogging

  • podcasting

  • filming youtube videos

  • using any online venture to gain attention

You don’t need a big following at all, arguably 1000 true fans are more than enough. This doesn’t come easy though. You must be consistent with your craft, engaged in your community, and learn more about yourself and what you do. 

The more developed your personal brand, your community, and your craft, the simpler the process of working out and eventually selling your digital product will be. 

an example of all of this put into action

Imagine a University student who has good habits and documents his personal story studying and working well. He curates a community of like-minded students or young professionals. They want to work hard but simply can’t seem to achieve the same amount of focus as this entrepreneur. 

A good idea could be to create a digital product/ course that helps them. The formula would look like this:

I help [University students] get [10 hours a week back] without [pulling all nighters] by [high-performance strategies]

This person would simply teach the high-performance strategies using his own personal experiences and learnings from going through it. Simple enough right?

You don’t need to be certified or trained in any way, there is little to no cost, and it allows you to delve deeper into something you are passionate about.

So what are you waiting for, get after it and make your first digital product!


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