Youtube Marketing

Yep it can be used in ways other than satisfying your cat meme addiction


Did you know Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world?

It is also digital real estate, can continuously be viewed and is evergreen.

‘What does this all mean for us today though?’ It means from a marketing standpoint Youtube is easily the best option for any business or creator out there. You can of course make excuses; ‘It’s too saturated’, ‘I don’t have a fancy camera’, ‘I’m camera shy’- whatever the case, in life there are two sorts of people:

those who think and those who do

When starting on this Youtube journey it’s important to remember the 3 H.P.I (High-Performance Influencer) points:

№1: Virality

Within each niche, there will be a formula that enables one to become more viral, a topic that gets more views, a certain look that people really like. Learn these and you’ll save yourself plenty of time and a lot of trial and error trying to work it out yourself.

“It’s good to learn from your mistakes. It’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes”- Warren Buffet

№2: Confidence

The beauty of Youtube is that you don’t have to be perfect. If anything people appreciate more than anything authenticity. Plus there’s something called editing software these days. With a few cuts, you’ll find yourself speaking concisely and coming across very confident.

№3: Automation

Oprah once said:

“If i can just focus on one thing- being the face of the brand- and my team takes care of the rest, I will beat all of my competition”

What does this tell you? The way to success isn’t through juggling lots of different things and simpling managing your time better. No, it’s delegation. When you work out where your skill set lies, outsource your work. This allows the development of your craft and a better, more automated process.

Similarly in a marketing sense as a business, you simply don’t have the time. You see all these claims that Youtube will bring lots of revenue and clients, and although this is true, it cannot be at the cost of your core role as an organisation.

Youtube is a tool at the end of the day and it’s key to remember that. Through working on your craft and learning the market to achieve Virality, building your confidence through practice, and learning delegation, and deepening your skills it all becomes automated.

Only then Youtube can become your best friend; will you crack the code?


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