109. There are two sorts of people
The ambitious, and everyone else.
The 9-5er, the unconfrontational, the risk-averse.
Biting down on the pill that mediocrity is worth striving for.
Excitement isn’t born out of second best.
“Don’t dream- to dream is to be disappointed”
What then about the burden of untapped potential?
That film was never made, that book was never published, and those lives never changed.
The cowardice doesn’t just affect you.
But what about if I fail?
Then your true intentions are revealed - you want fame and fortune, not to grow in a process.
Nothing is promised.
There is no security in a desk job, no guaranteed 80 years, and no freedom from fear.
So do you crawl up into a ball?
The cardinal sin is not attempting anything- life is meaningless, woe is me.
The narrative of self-care and that there is success in the stagnancy. Why now is sloth to be celebrated?
Mediocrity remains in the vicious cycle of letting feelings dictate. The perspective must be shifted, one must attempt before one is ready.
Thinking is comforting, doing is hard, and consistency is inspiring.
The penniless practitioner is better than the everyday purposeless person - one celebrates his gifted talent another is scared of it.
Your calling may lead to a simple life, job, and partner.
Yet, the thirst for ambition remains to be quenched even in the ordinary.
The difference between one person’s hobbies, work, and romantic life and another’s can be night and day.
The friend who inspired you to not just watch Netflix.
The colleague who inspired you to go above and beyond in the office.
The couple who inspired you that a marriage can be exceptional.
Noble ambitions to inspire that sort of change.
In the future you will look back to where you are now - will you be content with your ambition?