110. The job isn’t for you
the crucial criterion that must be met.
You’ve got this new job: free food, a pretty paycheck, and cheery colleagues.
The list of ‘bonuses’ is neverending and you feel like it is a no-brainer.
Sure the job has a few annoyances but you are sure it’s the best around.
Every worldview changes when you are prepared to live by the exception.
The notion that there may be a slight chance.
And in this case, recognising there may be a possibility for purpose. Yet, you don’t have it.
Every human has an innate desire for direction, calling, and this purpose.
Acceptance of the lies occurs because this exposes the fact that you made a wrong decision.
You think: “maybe took this job because I wanted the money, status, and comfort rather than it being a calling”.
“We can easily work in not-for-profit organisations: we cannot, however, work in not-for-purpose organisations“- Ken Costa
Failure is when you think you are doing the right thing and it goes wrong.
When you are hired you are betting that your boss has some of the answers, some of the guidance, some of the direction forward.
The truth is unless they are purpose-driven, hurdles and hardship are inevitable.
Individual identities differ, yet, can be unified under the collective vision.
For many that is money, success, and notoriety.
Those things don’t satisfy your soul.
You aren’t getting a mid-life crisis but a quarter-life one. The increased options for a ‘purpose’.
Yet, how do you pick?
The feelings you have at 18 are not the same at 40.
“They gave up their searches for truth and took up new callings and new identities, not because they had the answers, but because they found the one who does”- Ken Costa
So the solution? Look beyond yourself.
You may realise there is a bigger unmovable purpose for you.
Surely you’d want to put your trust in an omniscient one rather than an unsure self.