46. Limiting beliefs

We all have limiting beliefs about ourselves. Things we cannot do- all based on lies we tell ourselves.

One myth I tell myself is that I only have the ability to focus on one thing and I have to reject everything else as a consequence.

The problem with that is I then often work hard for a while and then find myself in burnout. I used to be the person who photography was their everything. Yet, I fell out of love with it. I recognise now that with passions you cannot solely rely on them for your identity and rest.

A sense of inadequacy will inevitably come because you have put all your eggs in one basket.

Don’t get me wrong I’m all for working hard at one thing and getting good at it but we are complex multi-dimensional beings. To limit ourselves to being good at one thing doesn’t make sense.

I’ve come to recognise some facets of my life will be more specialised but that doesn’t devalue the others.

The mindset we adopt predicates any action we can bring about, yet we believe it to be the other way round.

I will feel a certain way because that action occurred.

We must adopt the ability to believe in what we hope to bring into the world. It is often not easy due to doubt from others but through repetition, it becomes easier.

Self-affirmation is necessary in these cases.

Create crazy outrageous goals for yourself and then speak to yourself that they can come to fruition.

You will instinctively push harder as you can’t coast to get the goal.

Set your aims low and you are simply going to work to that.

We can be limitless in our success but it is removing the self-deprecating voice in our own heads and the toxic ones of contemporaries.

Through introspection and evaluating our context regularly we can all get the self-awareness needed to do this.

So I’m going out and trying lots of spontaneous hobbies and skills, all the while believing I have the knowledge and power to sustain this alongside my work and primary focus.

It all starts with belief. Go out there and make a difference!


47. Creative escape


45. Routines curate space for success