45. Routines curate space for success

How you do one thing is how you do everything.

Habits are not good enough on their own.

You can hold a great deal of discipline for your work but that doesn’t last forever. When your habits are independent the lack of motivation in one area manifests and you end up losing focus.

Routine creates space for creativity to manifest, ideas to brew, and prolonged periods of the desired focus.

It is impossible to do incredibly difficult tasks on your first attempt but compounding practice allows harder things to be achieved.

6 am starts seem natural, sitting down and writing becomes normal, completing all your to-do lists is easy.

You become wired to the routine.

The same can happen to our detriment.

Our brain becomes hooked on TV, social media, and dopamine.

We fidget until we get our dose of the drug.

And we wonder why people struggle focussing?

Small successes are the best way to start off.

Avoiding the snooze button, making your bed, sitting at your desk.

Repeated daily your brain recognises that is what you should be doing so it becomes easy when motivation subsides.

Planning a whole day out instead of just that morning and evening routine allows for you to progress at an alarming rate.

You don’t fumble about not knowing what you have to do as you are just doing what you did yesterday.

Motivation isn’t needed as you learn to become a slave to the routine realising other ways are unhelpful.

Experiment with the routine and stick to it. Same time, same thing, same dedication- Every day. You’ll change the world.


46. Limiting beliefs


44. Sitting on the fence