50. The need to celebrate

Reflection and recognition of good works are necessary.

We can often find it easy to look at what needs to be done but we don’t recognise all the good that has happened to us, the good others have done, or the progress that has been made.

The relentless pursuit forward is not always helpful.

There is a need to pause every once in a while- you might not need affirmation but others do.

In celebration there comes motivation, satisfaction, and confidence.

When we go away from or are actively involved in celebration we feel great and try to replicate the required process in order to repeat the celebration.

Having clarity in your congratulations is important to this too.

When you know why you are doing what you are doing and why it is being rewarded you have a deeper sense of fulfillment.

If it’s unclear on either of these things you are going to feel disingenuous and maybe think the person celebrating you is a bit stupid.

When there is little distinction made between a bad job, good job, and exemplary work is not celebrated- exceptional work will become less commonplace. People will not find the need to make a difference, to strive, to go above and beyond.

Allow space for people to want to push themselves.

Great leaders get the best out of people not curate a community of ‘bare minimum’ mindsets.

Go out and celebrate success, hard work, and attempts to make a change otherwise you’ll find yourself staying stagnant forever.


51. My favourite books of 2021


49. Retraining