69. From above- a poem

I wake up and don’t know where I am.

I look down from what seems to be a balcony and see some people; but these

people are so small.

My life looks so much bigger and better.

But how did I get here,

I can’t even remember?

I’m glad I’ve got this luxury but there’s something missing;

it is a bit lonely up here.

I should probably see how how the others are doing.

But what if they get angry at me because I’m bigger; no, they’d never do that

I need to stop overthinking.

Let me head down the elevator.

Urgh this is scary,

but I mean what other options do I have?

I step out the doors and am in disbelief.

We are all the same- but not the same, I see small details that make

everyone special.

I’m not this superior being, and do you know what

I’m quite relieved.

Now all there is to do is go and speak to them.


70. Why do we work


68. A different look at investing