70. Why do we work

The question is not about what our job is but what service is our soul committed to?

When we dull down what we are doing we justify how we are not satisfied, we don’t ask ourselves the hard questions like:

- Are we proud of where we are?

- Are we working hard, or hardly working?

- Are we making a difference?

We can easily just drift on by in life, work, and relationships. But to actually make a difference we must;

“Be uncommon amongst uncommon people”.

By definition, the difference is having a dissimilarity.

This is easier said than done. Going on the journey where none have gone before requires innovation, self-belief, and a deep sense of purpose.

You must know why you are being dissimilar as you can get bogged down comparing yourself to others and where they are at.

“Normality is a paved road: it’s comfortable to walk but no flowers grow there” - Vincent Van Gogh.

The temptation is to fall in love with the suffering. To see the difference as something good, to isolate yourself more, to make the path more uncomfortable as you think that’s ‘what you have to do’.

Yet, this is against the entire purpose of our work- service. This requires being in the world and on the frontline, but not all the time.

Discernment is required to know when you need to jump into the action, remove yourself, and ultimately when you need to knuckle down and when to rest.

“Sometimes you need to disconnect in order to better connect with yourself and the people you serve and love”- Ryan Holiday

Dive deep into that unrelenting knowledge that your soul will forever be unsatisfied unless you try that business, ask that question, or go to that place. Yet, do it in a retreat. Have a purpose in your intensity. Work hard, then play hard. Know your people, know your rest, know your distraction.

Get uncomfortable- it means your doing it right.


71. The two versions


69. From above- a poem