81. Be quick to listen,

slow to speak and slow to become angry - James 1:19

On the weekend there was the Oscars- a world-renowned event, a special occasion, a slapping competition.

The news was having a field day on Will Smith hitting Chris Rock, and who can blame them?

When do you get to see two celebrities hash it out live on TV?

Despite the idiocy of the whole sequence, there is a massive lesson to be learned- being hasty in your actions can often backfire.

Be hyper-vigilant of what is in your control and the perceptions your actions will take.

As Elizabeth Kenny says, ‘He who angers you controls you’- Don’t give people that power.

This doesn’t mean you do nothing, rather, you can be calm and considered in our approach when it comes to the actions we take.

As well as not turn out to be a meme for all of the social media.

Be quick to listen and slow to anger.


82. Restriction is freedom


80. Less is more