79. Failing Successfully
is when we understand that winning is only a small piece of the pie.
Last week I went to a race with a very specific time in mind.
I wanted to get a Personal Best and nothing else really would do.
Surprise, surprise, I didn’t actually get the result I wanted.
When I got home from the event I reflected on the experience and realised that I hadn’t failed rather I had won in so many other ways.
I met lots of new people
It was the first race in a while post my injury
I had a fun time
It highlighted areas of weaknesses in my running
It got me excited to train and race more
Of course, winning is brilliant and something to strive for but if that is the only thing you can take away from an event, job, or opportunity you will often find yourself discouraged- much like I could’ve potentially been like in my race.
Broaden the ways you view ‘winning’ and you will never be a loser ever again.